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Rabu, 18 November 2009

Kesehatan dan Kecantikan

Kulit Cantik Karena Olahraga 

          Olahraga memberikan manfaat yang sangat banyak bagi tubuh kita. Untuk sehat, kegiatan olahraga menjadi hal wajib yang harus dilakukan. Olahraga juga sering dilakukan untuk menurunkan berat badan. Yang tak kalah penting, olahraga juga bermanfaat untuk kecantikan. Dampak positif olahraga akan terlihat pada kulit Anda. Kulit yang sehat dan segar tentu akan menambah kecantikan.

Apa saja manfaat olahraga untuk kulit Anda?

  • Membantu mengeluarkan racun dan radikal bebas dari dalam tubuh

    Asap rokok, polusi udara atau bahan kimia pada produk kecantikan berdampak buruk pada kulit kita. Radikal bebas akibat hal tersebut merusak kulit sehingga dapat menyebabkan keriput atau flek. Dengan berolahraga, racun yang ada dalam tubuh kita dapat dikeluarkan. Sirkulasi darah yang baik menyebabkan distribusi nutrisi untuk kulit diserap maksimal dan membantu mengeluarkan racun yang ada di kulit.

  • Merangsang produksi kolagen

    Kolagen adalah zat pengisi sel kulit yang membuat kulit menjadi kenyal dan kencang. Seiring bertambahnya usia, produksi kolagen semakin menurun dan berkurang yang mengakibatkan kulit menjadi kering dan berkerut. Produksi kolagen dapat dipacu dengan melakukan olahraga rutin karena sel kulit akan mendapatkan oksigen dan distribusi nutrisi yang baik sehingga kulit akan bersinar dan lentur.
  • Mencegah timbulnya jerawat

    Hal ini karena olahraga membantu mengontrol produksi hormon DHEA dan DHT yang memicu timbulnya jerawat. Penyebab lain jerawat adalah karena stres. Saat stres akan diproduksi hormon yang juga memicu jerawat. Tetapi, hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa kebanyakan stres akan berkurang bila Anda berolahraga teratur sehingga jerawat tidak akan muncul.

  • Mengurangi selulit

    Selulit terjadi akibat jalinan fibroblast tertarik dan membentuk kantung lemak. Selulit umumnya ada di bokong, paha belakang atau lengan dan membuat kulit menyerupai kulit jeruk. Kehadiran selulit akan mengganggu penampilan Anda. Saat berolahraga, tubuh mengalami proses pembentukan dan peregangan otot sehingga selulit yang ada dapat dihilangkan.
Setelah mengetahui bahwa olahraga juga bermanfaat untuk kecantikan, maka tidak ada alasan untuk tidak berolahraga hari ini bukan?
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Kamis, 12 November 2009



Saving Our Planet is program that was persuading the earthlings so that they would become more concern and care to their entire environment. It was because the civilization that has been created by the modern people in this millennium era and affected so many destructive impacts which are really needed to be concerned. These impacts are causing a new problem, The “Global Warming”. Global warming is a process to increase body temperature average atmosphere: sea and land. Stage body temperature global will to cause alteration which other except to increase surface sea water, stage weather, and alteration total. A part that sun energy inside from short wave radiation, including apparent shine when energy hit the ground surface, it changeable with shine to make hot with and warm up earth. The situation was very different if we looked back to the last century where the pollution, the industrial garbage, and the toxin gases were friendlier but in this millennium era, the earth exploitation and exploration were causing the crucial problem for the earthlings. We know global warming is serious problem which is world well in developing country and modern country.

The green house effect is the main effect which is causing the global warming. It has been part of the earth’s workings since its earliest day. Gases like carbon dioxide and methane allow sunlight to reach the earth, but prevent some resulting heat from radiating back out into space. Without the green house effect, the planet would never have warmed enough to allow life to form. But as ever large amounts of carbon dioxide have been released along whit the development of industrial economies, the atmosphere has grown warmer at an accelerating rate. Shortwave solar radiation can pass through the clear atmosphere relatively unimpeded, but long wave infrared radiation emitted by the warm surface of the earth is absorbed partially and then re-emitted by a number of trace gases-particularly water vapor and carbon dioxide-in the cooler atmosphere above. Because, on average, the outgoing infrared radiation balances the incoming solar radiation, both the atmosphere and the surface will be warmer than they would be without the greenhouses gases. Another causes of the global warming is illegal logging which made our planet hadn’t place to absorb carbon dioxide. Rising levels of carbon dioxide and other gases emitted through human activities, believed by scientists to trap heat in the earth’s atmosphere, are an effect rather than the cause of global warming.

Carbon dioxide concentrations would continue to increase as the world’s consumption of fossil fuels, particularly coal, increased ever more rapidly. His understanding of the role of carbon dioxide in heating earth, even at that early date, prediction that if atmospheric carbon dioxide doubled, earth would become several degrees warmer and weather disorder. The latest report from the climate panel predicted that the global climate is likely to rise between 3.5 and 8 degrees Fahrenheit if the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere reaches twice at level, sea levels are likely to rise between 7 to 23 inches, and the changes now underway. The natural greenhouse effect causes the mean temperature of the earth’s surface to be about 33 degrees C warmer that be would be if natural greenhouse gases were not present. Global warming would probably bring other, sometimes deleterious, changes in climate; for example, changes in precipitation, storm patterns, and the level of the oceans.

When we think deeply over this I guess the answer is “YES”, the nature is angry to us. The nature’s balance was really disturbed by the mortal’s hands and this behavior has spread widely over the world because of our egoism. To protect the health and economic well-being of current and future generations, we must reduce our emission of heat-trapping gases by using the technology, know how, and practical solutions already at our disposal like natural resources that could be recycled. I suggest to the people to plant the tree or the pot plants on every one of the house garden. Everyone must be responsible for every single of plants. Imagine! If every people have 1 plant in one house, there are too many millions of plants in this planet. This is a very good step to begin our mission to prevent the Global Warming, because it’s great to use of anti-pollutant & anti-free radical and the important is reforestation in every forest which already felled down.

As the youth generations we have to aware, the lines of civilization must be as one to create the vision & mission to help the government and the people for watching over the reforestation program and for the environment reparation that is caused by the industrialist and the people generally wherever they are. We as the young generation without exception must be totally devote our bodies & wills for the sake of healthy world, comfortable world, and for the sake of better place to live.

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